More than 1,800 million to improve the Andalusian countryside

The keys to the Rural Development Program are presented, which will promote economic diversification and the quality of life of the municipalities.

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Elena Víboras, announced on August 1, 2014 the new Andalusian Rural Development Program (PDR) for the 2014-2020 period will allocate more than 1,800 million euros to improve economic sustainability , social and environmental of the Andalusian countryside and makes a clear commitment to generational change. According to Elena Víboras, it is the greatest planning instrument that we have at our disposal to promote competitiveness and sustainability in the agricultural sector, as well as economic diversification and quality of life in our towns.

Total public spending for rural development in Andalusia for the next six years will be around 2.45 billion euros. The Program contains the 15 measures to be managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, with a budget of more than 1,800 million euros. The rest will be managed by other councils of the Junta de Andalucía. However, this program was created with a lower budget than the previous framework, since Andalusia’s allocation from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) has been reduced. Added to this is the reduction in the co-financing of the Ministry. Taking this situation into account, Andalusia is going to make an effort to offer a PDR in accordance with the needs of the sector, optimizing European funds, maximizing investments and generating employment, always with an important social component.

Source: Olimerca July 2014.